Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Topology of Security

Since 2001, two particular crises have flourished. One, following "9/11", is SECURITY
locally and nationally. (I'm a retired mathematician with online 56 websites, built up
during past 8 years. Google "webring+jonhays" to click each one. Immediately after 9/11/01,
I created a website, Google "securpage+jonhays" with a JavaScript Calculator for evaluating
possible warnings and implied possibilities.) The other crisis is the notable decline in
mathematical performance of pre-college and college students. I'll show, herein, that coping
with these two great crises can be combined into one extended program.

I was concerned by the news, 4/17/07, of the Virginia Tech Massacre more than most since
both of my sons are college professors, and this could have happened to one of them. I noted
the critical aspect of communication lines in this event. Being long concerned with
the effective use of topology -- as the study of CONNECTIONS, including geometry as
a special case -- I realized that topology could be applied to place campus occupants in a
secure zone BOUNDED BY COMMUNICATION LINES. I sketched my ideas and sent them to my sons on
4/19/07, and to newspapers (without responsE) and paid for advertising notices about this.
On 5/9/07, I discovered independent confirmation of my topological ideas in an article online
in "Science News", entitled "Sensor Sensibility". Briefly, it shows how topology can guide
spreading of thousands or millions of "smartdust sensors", to achieve MAXIMUM SECURITY FROM

The math and sensor technology (online, Systems on Microchips, Labs on Microchips) and
surveillance technology (from airports, subways, etc.) now exist to PREVENT A VA TECH
HOMES AND WORK PLACES. The math and technology will soon exist to PREVENT "9/11" TYPE

It can not only provide security wherever needed, but also create a new industry of vast
financial returns and rejuvenate our scimath education. America can become the SECURITY
MODEL FOR THE WORLD! The evidence for this exists online, to be further cited below. Only
one problem. The power brokers who could achieve this or begin this do not know this and
must become convinced of this and immediately take action.

Pre-college and college classes including instruction in "The Mathematics of Security"
could be initiated. Students should realize that applications therefrom would make
possible continued pursuit of their recreational interests. Science Fair projects on
Security Simulation might not only teach by activity but also elicit new ideas. Costs of
implimenting Security measures should become part of daily educational costs. A compensating
impetus emerges here. I've noted online that we all (even little children) pay a educational
tax on products and services we buy. Graduates are so ill-prepared that corporations must
retrain them and pass the costs on to us. Effective implementation of a "Mathematics of
Security" program should decrease this "tax".

Given this initial sketch, many of you should be able to "take the ideas and run".

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